Why did my Coach Increase My Calories In a Fat Loss Phase?


There’s the fast approach and the slow approach to fat loss. They both prove successful for losing body fat, it’s true. But it’s been proven time and time again (literally, the research confirms it), if you want to KEEP off the fat you’ve lost, the slow roll approach to fat loss is the sustainable approach.

This approach allows you to relearn and implement habits that support long-term weight maintenance.

Without those habits in place, you can lose as much weight as your body allows, as fast as possible, and rest assured that you’ll put it all back in good time.

What do you say…can you resist the temptation of a crash diet and give a more sustainable approach a try?

This approach will allow you to have:

More flexibility with your nutrition

More energy

Better consistency

Long-lasting success

When people come to us claiming that they are eating every few calories and not seeing fat loss progress, it’s usually due to two things:

They aren’t tracking their calorie intake accurately.

They are consuming fewer calories some of the days in the week, and overeating the remaining days of the week.

If you are maintaining a calorie deficit, you WILL see fat loss progress. There is no argument there.

When we increase calories, what tends to happen is…..

You are able to be more consistent with your calorie intake because they are “livable” calories for you and your activity level. With your calories higher, restriction tends to go down and flexibility goes up, allowing you to continue to enjoy your favorite foods.

You are eating fewer calories than you were before, but you’ve just found a way to stay consistent, which allows you to successfully maintain a calorie deficit. And, because you’re able to be more consistent in a smaller deficit and are better fueled, you’re likely to move more throughout the day-walking more, fidgeting more, training harder…increasing your overall energy expenditure.