Mindfulness and your Nutrition Goals


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a self-directed practice for relaxing the body and calming the mind through focusing on present-moment awareness.

We can cultivate mindfulness through the practice of meditation.

How can mindfulness help you achieve your AIM goals?

By practicing mindfulness regularly research shows you can actually change your brain! You can live with a calmer, clearer outlook.

Practicing mindfulness may help you decrease anxiety and stress-induced or emotional eating. It may also improve your hunger, fullness, and taste satisfaction cues.

Mindfulness-based therapy also seems to help people enjoy their food more and have a reduced sense of struggle regarding controlling their eating.

Just like any new habit, this requires practice. If you are new to mindfulness and meditation we recommend trying an app. Some of our favorites are Headspace, Insight Timer, Calm, and 10% Happier.

What does mindfulness look like when it comes to eating?

  • Eat more slowly rather than rushing your meals. Pretend you are on a “date” with your meal by giving it your full focus and attention.

  • Chew thoroughly. Wait to reload your fork (or hand); finish chewing and swallowing your bite before you reach for your next one.

  • Eliminate distractions by turning off the TV and putting down your phone.

  • Ask yourself why you're eating. Are you actually hungry?

  • Notice (without judgment) thoughts you have around food including possible guilt or anxiety.

  • Before your meal, try taking 8-10 deep breaths. This shifts your nervous system from the fight-or-flight sympathetic system to the rest-and-digest parasympathetic system.

    If you notice the urge to stress-eat, try one of our favorite tips: set a timer and write!

    Set a timer for two minutes and write whatever you are feeling and thinking. It doesn't need to make coherent sense - just write!

    Next, ask yourself whether food will improve any of your frustrations or feelings.

    Remind yourself that you have a choice in every moment, and you can choose a path that makes you feel empowered - including choosing foods that nourish your body!
