Do You Have A Good Relationship With Food?


The question, "If I eat all of my protein but have carbs remaining at the end of the day, do I need to eat them if I'm not hungry" is asked a lot by novice clients.

Ever wonder why it's 'easy' for your mind to knock down your protein goal on a daily basis but feel hesitant to eat to your carb goal?

Most likely, the answer is because you have a good relationship with protein, it doesn't scare you or leave you questioning whether or not eating enough is supporting your goals.

Did you know that from a caloric standpoint, protein and carbohydrates are identical?

This means that if you have a harder time eating to your carb goal on a daily basis it's most likely due to a poor relationship with carbohydrates. You've probably fallen trap to villainizing carbs due to our diet culture and the propaganda put out there surrounding them.

The best way to improve your relationship with carbs is to focus on quality. We tend to shy away from them when we associate carbohydrates with candy, chips, alcohol, and bread. As a reminder, fruit, potatoes, rice, quinoa, vegetables, beans, yams, and whole grains are also carbohydrates that are extremely important to a well-rounded diet.

And to circle back to that question, the answer is yes. Yes, you need to eat all of your food, every day, because the number one objective is consistency. Focusing on being consistent within your macro goals and calorie count on a daily basis is the ultimate goal and will prove to be the most efficient and effective way to reach your goals.