Meet Doris
This lady has our AIM ❤️. Not only did she start this journey at 73-years-young she also does Crossfit @wildlandcf. . . If you want to talk about having a growth-mindset, a willingness to move outside your comfort zone, tenacity, and just straight up impressiveness... meet Doris.
“So much has changed for me since last August when I began with AIM. I still find it hard to believe that I actually achieved my weight loss goal of 35 pounds by December. Since I love to eat and love to cook, committing to a weight loss program was definitely a leap of faith, but the freedom to eat and drink whatever I wanted kept me on track. The process taught me to “budget” my choices, and that knowledge has changed me in a significant way. It has been 7 months since my Phase I ended . I still weigh myself every morning and my weight has not varied more than one pound up or down since . No one could be more surprised than I am … I have referred 2 friends who had not seen me in ages and noticed how different I looked and wanted to know my “secret”… They have both committed to the AIM program and have had great success as well. Both have called to thank me. One friend said she had wanted to know about my weight loss but more important, she couldn’t believe how “healthy” and “young” I looked… that comment was icing on the cake!
All the credit goes to you Amy… you and your team are changing lives!”